Quality Education

Quality Education is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations in 2015. It aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

What is Quality Education?

The Quality Education SDG aims to ensure that all children, youth, and adults have access to quality education and relevant learning opportunities that will equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in today’s rapidly changing world.

The SDG 4 targets focus on improve access to education, ensuring the quality of education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities. Some of the key targets include:

  1. Ensuring that all girls and boys complete free, equitable, and quality primary and secondary education.

  2. Providing equal access to affordable vocational, technical and, and tertiary education, including university.

  3. Eliminating gender disparities in education and ensuring equal access to all levels of education and vocational training.

  4. Improving the quality of education by enhancing teacher training, curriculum development, and learning environments.

  5. Increasing the number of qualified teachers and ensuring they receive ongoing professional development.

By achieving this goal, countries can build more resilient and inclusive societies, reduce poverty, and promote sustainable economic growth.


Definition of Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Quality Education Initiatives


Education in Emergencies

Education in Emergencies is a global initiative aimed at ensuring that children affected by conflicts and natural disasters have access to quality education. This initiative provides funding, teacher training, and educational materials to help children continue learning even during times of crisis.

Inclusive Education

Many countries are working to ensure that all children have access to quality education, regardless of their background or abilities. For example, the government of Finland has implemented a policy of inclusive education, which means that students with disabilities are educated in the same classrooms as their peers and receive the support they need to succeed.

Early Childhood Education

Many countries are focusing on early childhood education as a way to improve the quality of education. For example, the government of Rwanda has implemented a national program called “One Class, One Teacher” that provides young children with access to early childhood education in their local communities.


Why Quality Education is Important


It is a Human Right

Education is a fundamental human right that enables individuals to lead fulfilling lives, participate in their communities, and contribute to society. Access to quality education is essential for the development of skills, knowledge, and competencies needed to thrive in today’s world.

Economic Growth & Reduces Poverty

Quality education is a key driver of economic growth and development. Education enables individuals to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to participate in the workforce, start their own businesses, and contribute to the economy. It also helps to reduce poverty by improving job opportunities and increasing incomes.

Social & Gender Equality

Education is a powerful tool for promoting social and gender equality. Quality education helps to ensure that everyone has equal opportunities to learn and develop their full potential, regardless of their gender, social background, or economic status. Education also plays a critical role in promoting tolerance, respect, and understanding among different cultures and communities


Quality Education Statistics


617 Million Children

According to the UN, over 617 million children and adolescents worldwide are not achieving minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics in 2020. This highlights the need to improve the quality of education provided, particularly in low-income countries, to ensure that all learners have the skills they need to succeed in life.

258 Million Children

Despite progress made in recent years, around 258 million children and youth worldwide were out of school in 2018, according to UNESCO. Lack of access to education is a significant barrier to achieving the SDG on quality education, and addressing this issue requires targeted interventions to reach marginalized communities.

56% of Children

In sub-Saharan Africa, only 56% of children of primary school age were enrolled in school in 2018, according to the World Bank. Lack of access to education in the region is a significant barrier to development, and addressing this issue requires targeted interventions to improve access to schooling and support retention.


Quality Education in the News


COVID-19 Widened Disparities in Education

This article from the NYT discusses the impact of the pandemic on education and the need for targeted interventions to address the disparities that have been exacerbated by school closures. It also highlights the importance of investing in technology and teacher training to support remote learning.


Global Education Leaders Call for Urgent Action to Address Learning Crisis

This article from the World Bank discusses a new report that highlights the urgent need to address the global learning crisis, which has been exacerbated by the pandemic. The report calls for investments in education systems, teacher training, and early childhood education to ensure that all children have access to quality education


How Can We Make Sure Education Prepares Students for the Future?

This article from the World Economic Forum discusses the need for education systems for the jobs of the future. It highlights the importance of investing in STEM education, digital literacy, and soft skills such as creativity and critical thinking.


How to Help Zero Hunger Initiatives


Advocate for Change

You can support education programs in your community, such as after-school programs, tutoring programs, or mentorship programs. You can also support education programs in developing countries through donations to non-profit organizations that work in education.


Donate to organizations that are working to promote good health and well-being around the world, such as UNICEF, Room to Read, and Teach for All.

You can also donate books, school supplies, and other resources to schools and education programs in need.


You can volunteer your time and expertise to help children and young people improve their education. You can volunteer to tutor students, mentor young people, or help with homework clubs.