Continuous Learning

Continuous learning is the attainment of ongoing personal or professional growth past traditional education systems, whether that is gained through conceptually learning or tangible experience.

What is Continuous Learning

Continuous Learning is a way for students and professionals to not only reinforce the knowledge that they have built over time, but also explore and gain perspective into new areas of development. This type of learning can occur through a variety of ways, including taking online courses, attending conferences, conducting research, completing projects, or connecting with industry professionals.

Those who partake in continuous learning can either seek growth alone and on a personal level, or they can grow within a group, community, or organization with similar goals and interests. These groups of people can either participate in continuous learning for a fixed period of time or commit to lifelong learning.


Definition of Continous Learning

Ongoing personal and professional growth through coursework, research, projects, conferences, or other experiences beyond traditional learning.

Continuous Learning Examples



In public and private K-12 schools, continuous learning can span across a number of extracurricular activities. For instance, some students may reinforce their interest in sustainability by volunteering with a nonprofit, starting a school club, or organizing events. Or, if a student is particularly interested in the sciences, they may join solo or group competitions that range from a regional to a national or global scale. Typically, continuous learning helps students build upon what they learn in school or explore areas that they are passionate about.


College students can also implement continuous learning outside of their selected major or curriculum. For instance, during summer internships, students can apply the knowledge they’ve gained from their courses and apply it to a business or real-world scenario. Other students may participate in continuous learning by working in a research lab, joining a mission-driven club, or reaching out to professors who are able to share knowledge about their expertise or field of interest.


Employees in the workplace can participate in continuous learning in a number of ways. For example, they can attend conferences that are related or adjacent to their current industry, or completely pivot to an unexplored territory. Other employees may prefer to volunteer with employee resource groups they identify with, or seek out projects that align with their learning goals, take online courses, or earn certifications.


Why Continuous Learning is Important


Promotes lifelong growth

Continuous learning helps build upon the idea that learning does not stop after graduating from high school or college. Rather, it is a lifelong process that helps one grow on both a professional and personal level.

Allows for exploration

Continuous learning allows for students and professionals to explore areas they may be passionate about, without having to fully commit or take on an entirely new job. Instead, the individual can gain insight into multiple realms and ultimately select where they would like to broaden their knowledge.

Builds deeper curiosity

Oftentimes, students and professionals are not able to lean into their curiosity when there are exam scores or performance reviews at stake. Through continuous learning outside of the classroom and work environment, lifelong learners can dive deeper into their curiosity without the external pressures.


Continuous Learning Statistics


72% of executives prioritize continuous learning

According to Deloitte’s Global Human Capital Trends Report, executives worldwide pinpointed their employee’s adaptability and agility to their interest in continuous learning.

50% increased employee retention

Deloitte Insights have shown that corporate training can boost employee retention by 30-50%. Ultimately, employees believe that their company is invested in their growth and that there are attainable career development opportunities.

45% of employees felt increased productivity

According to a survey by Pew Research, 45% of employed adults found their extra training to improve their work performance.


Continuous Learning Resources


Continuous Learning at Pixar

This video walks through the creation of Pixar University, which aimed to provide courses that would improve the creative growth of Pixar Animations employees.


Learning Management Systems

This LearnUpon article provides insight into how learning management systems can help you and your organization produce and deliver training programs.


Lifelong Learning Podcast

This series of LifeLong Learning Podcasts records conversations and reflections among educators who are committed to continuous learning and growth.


How To Engage in Continuous Learning


Identify experts within your industry of interest

Read content that experts of the field have produced, whether that is on social media, blogs, books, articles, podcasts, or documentaries, and engage in these conversations.

Find organizations that offer continuous learning

Close the Gap Foundation’s Social Impact Fellowship are committed to helping both students and their mentors dive into continuous learning outside of the classroom and the workplace.

Take an online training course or attend a conference

A set curriculum can provide guidelines that help the student follow along and ultimately commit to continued learning. Oftentimes, conferences have structured workshops and facilitated discussions.