Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations in 2015. It aims to promote peaceful and inclusive societies, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels by 2030.

What are Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions?

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (SDG 16) seek to create a world where peace is maintained, communities are inclusive and just, and institutions are transparent and accountable. This goal recognizes that peace and justice are fundamental for sustainable development, and strong institutions play a critical role in ensuring that societies function efficiently and equitably. It encompasses various aspects, including reducing violence, combating corruption, ensuring access to justice, and protecting human rights.

In a world plagued by conflict, injustice, and weak governance, SDG 16 aims to address these challenges and create an enabling environment for prosperity, security, and social cohesion. By focusing on promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, this goal seeks to create opportunities for growth, development, and well-being for all.


Definition of Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions refer to efforts aimed at achieving peaceful, just, and inclusive societies, where individuals can access justice and have their rights protected. It involves establishing effective, accountable, and transparent institutions that work towards upholding the rule of law and safeguarding human rights. This SDG acknowledges the need for strong governance, the eradication of corruption, and the reduction of all forms of violence to foster sustainable development.

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institution Initiatives


Conflict Resolution and Mediation Programs

Initiatives that support the peaceful resolution of conflicts and mediation efforts to prevent violence and promote reconciliation. These programs work to bring conflicting parties to the negotiation table, facilitating dialogue and understanding to find mutually acceptable solutions. By addressing root causes and underlying grievances, they aim to build sustainable peace and prevent future conflicts.

Access to Justice for Vulnerable Groups

Programs that ensure marginalized and vulnerable populations have access to legal services and are protected from discrimination. These initiatives not only provide legal aid but also focus on empowering marginalized groups with knowledge of their rights and the legal system, enabling them to seek justice and challenge systemic inequalities. Through advocacy and representation, they aim to create a fair and inclusive justice system for all.

Anti-Corruption Campaigns

Efforts dedicated to combatting corruption, bribery, and illicit financial flows, promoting transparency and accountability in governance. These initiatives engage various stakeholders, including governments, civil society, and the private sector, to strengthen anti-corruption measures and enforce laws. By promoting ethical behavior and integrity, they strive to build public trust in institutions and foster a culture of accountability and transparency in governance.


Why Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions is Important


Fostering Social Stability

Social stability is fostered by creating an environment where individuals and communities can coexist peacefully. When conflicts are resolved through fair and just means, societies can heal, and trust among diverse groups can be rebuilt. This enables people to focus on personal growth, education, and community development, leading to stronger and more resilient societies.

Promoting Economic Growth

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions play a pivotal role in driving economic growth. By providing a stable and predictable business environment, where property rights are protected, contracts are enforced, and businesses can operate without fear of violence or corruption, they encourage domestic and foreign investments, stimulate entrepreneurship and foster innovation. This, in turn, leads to economic prosperity and job creation.

Supporting Sustainable Development

Sustainable development relies on an inclusive and just approach. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions serve as the pillars that uphold these principles. They enable equitable access to resources, services, and opportunities for all, addressing social inequalities and safeguarding human rights. Moreover, by promoting good governance and transparency, these goals contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive future where the well-being of both current and future generations is safeguarded.


Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Statistics


108.4 Million

According to The UN Refugee Agency, at least 108.4 million people around the world have been forced to flee their homes. Among them are nearly 35.3 million refugees, around 41 percent of whom are under the age of 18.

There are also millions of stateless people, who have been denied a nationality and lack access to basic rights such as education, health care, employment and freedom of movement.

At a time when more than 1 in every 74 people on Earth has been forced to flee, our work at UNHCR is more important than ever before.

3.6 Trillion

The annual costs of international corruption amount to a staggering $3.6 trillion in the form of bribes and stolen money, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said on International Anti-Corruption Day, December 9.

Corruption can take many forms: bribery, embezzlement, money laundering, tax evasion and cronyism, to name a few. Whatever its shape, corruption always comes at someone's expense, and it often leads to weaker institutions, less prosperity, denial of basic services, less employment and more environmental disasters.

Less than 50%

According to The World Bank, in many countries around the world, less than half of the population believes they have access to a fair and efficient justice system, according to a report published by the World Justice Project (WJP) in 2021. The WJP Rule of Law Index assesses the perceived accessibility and effectiveness of justice systems in various countries based on factors such as due process, absence of corruption, regulatory enforcement, and fundamental rights.


Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions in the News


Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful, and inclusive societies

Goal 16 is about promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels. People everywhere should be free of fear from all forms of violence and feel safe as they go about their lives whatever their ethnicity, faith, or sexual orientation.

High levels of armed violence and insecurity have a destructive impact on a country’s development. Sexual violence, crime, exploitation, and torture are prevalent where there is conflict or no rule of law.


Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

According to the United Nations, without peace, stability, human rights, and effective governance, based on the rule of law we cannot hope for sustainable development. We are living in a world that is increasingly divided. Some regions enjoy sustained levels of peace, security, and prosperity, while others fall into seemingly endless cycles of conflict and violence. This is by no means inevitable and must be addressed.

High levels of armed violence and insecurity have a destructive impact on a country’s development, affecting economic growth and often resulting in long standing grievances that can last for generations. Sexual violence, crime, exploitation and torture are also prevalent where there is conflict or no rule of law, and countries must take measures to protect those who are most at risk.


SDG 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective

According to the UN Women, significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere. To end abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of violence against and torture of children. With the goal of promoting the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensuring equal access to justice for all. By 2030, significantly reduce illicit financial and arms flows, strengthen the recovery and return of stolen assets, and combat all forms of organized crime.


How to Help Peace, Justice, and Strong Institution Initiatives

Support Local Peacebuilding Organizations

Contribute to organizations working on conflict resolution and promoting peace at the community level, as they play a vital role in understanding the unique dynamics of conflicts and fostering dialogue among diverse groups. By supporting these grassroots initiatives, individuals can help build bridges of understanding and promote reconciliation, leading to lasting peace and stability.

Engage in Anti-Corruption Efforts

Join campaigns and advocate for the protection and promotion of human rights both locally and internationally to ensure that the fundamental rights and dignity of all individuals are upheld. By raising awareness about human rights violations and supporting organizations that defend vulnerable populations, advocates can be powerful agents of change in advancing a more just and equitable world.

Advocate for Human Rights

Raise awareness about corruption and support initiatives that promote transparency and accountability in governance, as corruption undermines trust in institutions and hinders socio-economic development. By actively participating in anti-corruption campaigns and demanding ethical behavior from leaders and public officials, individuals can contribute to fostering a culture of integrity and ensuring public resources are used for the collective good.